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Abandoned Archipelagos ꩧ၇ꧠTurn to chapter
Actors ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Affect Flooding ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Amends ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Anchor Trees ꧹၇ꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Anointed, The ꧹၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Anvil, The ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Apertures CosmographyLocations where two realms are joined in such a way that you may slip between them. They appear as uncanny distortions through which passage can be disorienting and dangerous.Turn to chapter
Apotheosis ꧹ဋဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Architectural Services ꩧ၇ꧠTurn to chapter
Arrangement & Navigation CosmographyTurn to chapter
Articulators ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Astrals & Chthonics ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Asymmetry, The ꧪ၇ꧠAn endless cliff face, with no known ground or top or sides, into which the Grains have quarried for aeons as they craft and sculpt and adjust essential creations for introduction into cardinal worlds.Turn to chapter
Autonomy FacetsAutonomy tends towards freedom, independence, unpredictability, individualism, ad hoc invention, radicalism, dynamism, chaos, and change.Turn to chapter
Axioms ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Balancers ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Bauble, The ꧪဋꧠThe Bauble is the ocean of dreams and nightmares. From vast warm shallows rippling with gardens of fancy and lilting tunes to dark crags and shadows of the quiet deep, the Inks who reside here guard drifting, delicate mortal minds against phantoms and rifts and the swells of storms and waves.Turn to chapter
Bearing the Echo ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Before the Blank ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Behemoths ꧹ဋဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Bell, The ꧪဥꧠBeautiful, storm-drenched mountains inhabited by the keepers of the "Universal Story", an indescribably transformative experience which they offer to visitors and continually seek to perfect.Turn to chapter
Beneath the Curtain ꧪ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Bleachers ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Bloodfrees ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Bloom, The ꧹ဋꧠA dazzling and hideous jungle in which everything blossoms and transforms and regenerates unpredictably. To its children, the Florets, it is a paradise garden for endless play within the forgiving embrace of their Mother.Turn to chapter
Body Instrumentation ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Bough, The ꧹ဥဗThe Bough is a hazily luminous land of waterways and forests in which Quells gently watch over the affairs of flesh: comforting the dying, exploring the congress of pain and pleasure, and plucking out the scars and memories of mortals who no longer need them.Turn to chapter
Braid, The ꧪဥဓRugged and serene badlands inhabited by the complex, inscrutable Limns, who bring quarreling mortals here in reverie to forge empathy in the light of a natural phenomenon known as the Echo, in which you witness in the actions of others a flash of the entire history of happenstance that leads up to their present.Turn to chapter
Breath House ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Brink, The ꧹ဥဓExultant yet mindful hedonists who form a kaleidoscopic community of explorations in creation and destruction, joy and suffering, exertion and renewal. Visitors are welcomed into the fold, and it is impossible not to be overwhelmed.Turn to chapter
Cardinal Resolutions ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Cardinal Worlds CosmographyThe cardinal worlds make up our foundational, everyday reality over which the laminae are layered.Turn to chapter
Cartography, The ꧪ၇ဓA lifeless and lethally suffocating expanse that contains every moment of every location in the multiverse, frozen and duplicated here in shades of grey.Turn to chapter
Cauterization ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Certoriari ꩧဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Choosing a Sanctum ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Chords ꩧ၇ꧠTeams who manipulate the environment in order to change wind shifter paths.Turn to chapter
Cicatrix, The ꧪဥဗFloating stony crags and tendrils wind through the endless sky and wind of the Cicatrix, in which the Marrows bear the verging currents of catharsis from across the multiverse, celebrating and mourning the passage of things in visceral ritual until the land and their own bodies become more scar than substance. As the airborne land slowly rotates, memorials eventually slip into the sky and are lost.Turn to chapter
Clasp, The ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Cleave, The ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Cleft, The ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Cloudburst ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Coliseum, The ꧪ၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Collective Howl ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Combustion ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Commemoration ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Concordance, The ꩧဥဓThe Concordance most closely resembles mortal hopes for an afterworld: a vast network of metropolises and landscapes in which mortals and petitioners alike seek to prove that suffering is not needed to give context to joy.Turn to chapter
Contours ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Control Room, The ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Cooking ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Cosmography CosmographyA broad, metaphysical cartography of the worlds described in this work.Turn to chapter
Councils of Sympathy ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Crash, The ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Creation FacetsCreation tends towards activity, energy, passion, agitation, change, mutation, excitation, creativity, egoism, instability, uncertainty, and dynamism.Turn to chapter
Creation Eddies ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Crenellation, The ꩧဋဓAn endless fortress city divided into two warring factions that never dare come to blows, the Crenellation requires of its citizens absolute self-sacrifice, and with that clarity of purpose executes a vision of martial and material prowess with awesome efficiency.Turn to chapter
Crystallization ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Curtain, The ꧪ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Decomposing Buried Treasure ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Demigods ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Departers ꧪ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Dissolution FacetsDissolution tends towards finality, rest, release, destruction, nullification, loss, ignorance, waste, death, and certainty.Turn to chapter
Dramas ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Duels ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Echo Fallibility ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Echo Plateau, The ꩧ၇ꧠTurn to chapter
Echo, The ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Emissaries ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Empathy FacetsEmpathy tends towards kindness, self-effacement, benevolence, righteousness, judgment, stubbornness, idealism, altruism, universalism, equity, compromise, compassion, and tolerance.Turn to chapter
Emptying the Pedestal ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Ensnarement ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Equilibrium FacetsEquilibrium tends towards maintenance, harmony, protection, pureness of essence, persistence, stagnation, indifference, serenity, observation, renewal, inertia, and preservation.Turn to chapter
Extent in Space ꧪ၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Extent in Time ꧪ၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Facets FacetsAbstract forces that drive beings and cultures, divided into three spectra: Hierarchy opposite Autonomy, Empathy opposite Power, and Creation opposite Dissipation.Turn to chapter
Fading Divine Powers ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Failed Enchantments ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Fettered, The ꧪ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
First Story, The ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Flood & Crevasse ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Florescence, The ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Foil, The ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Following the Wind ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Frames & Shells ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Frostfall ꧪ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Fruitions ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Fruitless Apostles ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Galabast ꩧ၇ꧠA famed mathematician who has attempted to model the form and function of wind shifters.Turn to chapter
Gift of Soil, The ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Glass Ocean ꩧ၇ꧠTurn to chapter
Glintings ꩧ၇ꧠGlintings are events large and small held by various guilds or regions, in which apprentices prepare scale models for feedback, alongside demonstrations and brainstorming sessions.Turn to chapter
Golden Lake, The ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Golden Landing, The ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Golden Sound, The ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Golden Spine, The ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Gorol ꧹ဋဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Grasp, The ꧪဋဓInsisting that they are all merely different endeavors of the single collective intelligence that is the Grasp, the Frames who dwell in this place as petitioners seek to perfect themselves each according to their chosen pursuit, training for athletic, martial, and intellectual prowess in a network of chambers and environments especially suited to their continual improvement.Turn to chapter
Growing Numb ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Guilds ꩧ၇ꧠTurn to chapter
Harmonics ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Hedonic Tides ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Hierarchy FacetsHierarchy tends towards order, deference to authority, systematic analysis, honor, conformity, tradition, inflexibility, control, judgment, structure, law, discipline, and stability.Turn to chapter
Hole in the Sky, The ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Howdahs ꧹ဋဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Hymns ꧪ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Ichor ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Identity Exchange ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Illusion of Insight, The ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Immeasurable Banquet, The ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Increpation, The ꩧဋဗA boundless crevasse bisects the Increpation, atop which all the soldiers of every mortal battlefield fight amidst the fallen bodies of aeons. In the depths of the crevasse loom ornate catacombs that hold the Rues: anxious intellects weaving schemes and curses to unleash upon the rest of the multiverse, none of which have ever been observed to unfold.Turn to chapter
Inevitability, The ꧹၇ဗAn otherwise-empty wasteland graced by the exuberant and chaotic Procession in which Unravellers joyously manifest the forces of entropy, that universal and implacable slide from order into disorder. Troupes each pursue their own flavors of entropy: rotting food, aging, combustion, romantic miscommunication, broken furniture, political dissolution, and myriad others.Turn to chapter
Instrument, The ꩧ၇ဗThe labyrinthine interior of a colossal automaton, the outside of which never been seen. The Instrument is tended to by the Moilers, whose culture has lost its knowledge of the automaton's purpose and operation, and as a result have devolved into industrious paranoia and neurosis.Turn to chapter
Instrumentalists ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Inter-Narration ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Islet Conservatory, The ꧹ဋꧠTurn to chapter
Islet, The ꧹ဋꧠTurn to chapter
Judgment ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Kalon Intentions ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Kindling and Wind Shifter sentience, The ꩧ၇ꧠTurn to chapter
Knife Edge, The ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Knot, The ꧹ဋဓEasily among the most dangerous and unintelligible of all laminae, the Knot is a maelstrom of cloud, mud, ocean, rock, and fire through which towering alien behemoths stumble and squirm, striving to devour themselves.Turn to chapter
Kylix, The ꧹ဥꧠOrdinary thought is impossible in the baffling avalanche of the Kylix: sensations strike with such speed and force as to crowd out thoughts of a conscious mind, and upon returning from this manic dream no clear memories remain, only a flood of images and a delirium that can last for hours. As a result it is nearly impossible to describe this lamina, and quite dangerous to venture there, but recurring images provide some insight as to its properties.Turn to chapter
Lambent, The ꩧဥဗDark, star-slicked highlands of altars and shrines, each bearing a single exceptional petitioner who awaits one final and fatal quest worthy of their heroism.Turn to chapter
Laminae CosmographyAfterworlds that are each aligned with a particular set of facets. The twenty-seven laminae are layered on top of our reality and interact with it in myriad ways.Turn to chapter
Laminals CosmographyLaminals are beings that natively reside on the laminae but which are not manifestations of mortal souls. 'Laminal' can also be used to indicate anything relating to, stemming from, or residing on the laminae.Turn to chapter
Language ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Laughter ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Libertines ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Librarian, The ꧹၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Light-Bearing ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Limn Communication ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Listeners ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Loss of Knowledge ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Lovers, The ꧹၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Lucidity, The ꧪဋဗA blank, white void graced with marble monasteries in which contemplatives cultivate "lucid body, spacious mind, empty heart". The Precepts of the Lucidity focus their energies on enigmatic rituals of Erasure whereby they cause seemingly arbitrary targets to vanish from cardinal worlds.Turn to chapter
Macula, The ꩧဋꧠThe Macula is a pitch-dark realm where every shred of light and substance has long since been utilized by the alien and fractal Oriels to build curling, spectacular palaces in which they warp their minds and bodies in pursuit of ever more esoteric experiences of beauty.Turn to chapter
Maddened, The ꩧဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Mainland, The ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Material Maelstroms ꧹၇ꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Matter Vesicles ꧹၇ꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Means FacetsThe facets of Creation ꧠ, Equilibrium ဓ, and Dissolution ဗ are forces that fuel reality. They are, respectively, the inhale, the pause, and the exhale: a cycle harnessed by every being in support of its goals.Turn to chapter
Mechanisms ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Megaliths ꧹၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Mentorship ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Method FacetsThe facets of Hierarchy ꩧ, Synthesis ꧪ, and Autonomy ꧹ concern matters of control and agency: how societies organize their efforts and distribute power, and how individuals fit into and are beholden to the larger whole.Turn to chapter
Microcosmic Investigations ꧹၇ꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Mirages ꧪ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Mirrors & Clouds ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Mnemonic Artifacts ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Monument Cloisters ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Monument of Perception, The ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Mortals CosmographyTurn to chapter
Mother ꧹ဋꧠTurn to chapter
Motive FacetsThe facets of Empathy ဥ, Utility ၇, and Power ဋ concern the methods by which we determine whether a goal is worthy, and what drives us towards those goals.Turn to chapter
Mutatorium, The ꧹၇ꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Narrative Language ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Nimble’s Bazaar ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Observatories ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Observers ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Odysseys ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Opposite Day ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Orators ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Ordial Plane CosmographyThe membrane that divides laminae from cardinal worlds, a membrane which can be forded by various means.Turn to chapter
Organ, The ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Oubliette, The ꧹၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Outside the Automaton ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Oval, The ꧹ဋဗThe Oval appears to be a complex place, but thanks to the jealous blessings of the Blinking Monarch, it will all seem rather simple once you've left.Turn to chapter
Palette, The ꧹၇ꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Paradox of Boredom, The ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Passage of Time, The ꧪ၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Passage of Time, The ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Passing of Mercies, The ꧪ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Pasture, The ꧪ၇ဗUnique among all laminae, no petitioners have been found on the blizzarding tundra of the Pasture, only a small nomadic caravan of mortals pursuing a mental state of "unknowing" that they believe will allow their souls to become petitioners here, thereby restoring the lamina's role in the balance of the multiverse, and in persisting through this arctic wasteland they hope to one day find evidence of their success.Turn to chapter
Pasture, The ꧹ဋဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Patchwork ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Pattern, The ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Patterners ꩧ၇ꧠPatterners shape the terrain of the Unfolding itself to produce islands and environments suitable for Architects to build upon.Turn to chapter
Pavilions ꩧဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Peacebuilds ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Pedestal Meadows ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Peregrination ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Peregrinations ꧪ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Perpetual Dawn ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Perpetuation ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Petitioners CosmographySouls of the dead that have re-manifested on the most well-suited lamina, where they perfect and reshape themselves while carrying out pursuits in accordance with that lamina's principles.Turn to chapter
Phlogiston of Creation ꧹၇ꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Pilgrimage ꧹၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Plane of Mirrors, The ꧪ၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Plateau Conception ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Political Dissolution ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Power FacetsPower tends towards ambition, achievement, glory, determination, focus, efficiency, beauty, domination, competition, selfishness, cynicism, security, success, and luxury.Turn to chapter
Premise, The ꧹၇ꧠThe Premise roils with the bare phlogiston of Creation ꧠ, upon contact with which all matter erupts into chaos. Enormous trees rooted in nebulae form islands of stability for Rhemes who intend microcosms into existence out of the raw stuff of this place, enacting free will in a world lacking cause and effect, while the nautilus-shelled city of the Mutatorium invites seekers of self-transformation.Turn to chapter
Procedure, The ꩧဥꧠAn incomprehensible realm of deafening harmonics and shimmering geometries that shift and overlap, the Procedure brims with the zeal of the prismatic Looms, who diligently arrange and replay the affairs of mortal worlds in an effort to bring about a formation they call "the Pattern".Turn to chapter
Procession’s Path, The ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Progenitors ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Promenade of Congruities ꩧ၇ꧠTurn to chapter
Rainways ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Ramifications ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Recursiveness ꧪ၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Regeneration ꧹ဋဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Relationship with the Oval ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Release ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Reservoir, The ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Restoration ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Retelling the Story ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Reticulum, The ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Retrieval ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Reverie, The ꧹၇ဓA realm for those who spent their lives saying "no", the Reverie is an endless stone plain in which geometric chasms hold solitary Eremites in rest and contemplation.Turn to chapter
Revisitation ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Romantic Discord ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Ropeways ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Rout, The ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Ruins, The ꧹၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Sanctuaries ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Scaffold ꩧ၇ꧠThe Unfolding is covered by the endless Glass Ocean, crystal-clear and bottomless, devoid of life or motion. The immense continent of Axial is regarded as the “center” of the lamina—inasmuch as an infinite ocean can have a center—in the middle of which is the Scaffold, a gleaming, skeletal building home to hundreds of offices and guilds and believed to be the tallest structure in the multiverse. The continent is surrounded by archipelagos thinning out to chains of sparse islands.Turn to chapter
Scaffold’s Collapse, The ꩧ၇ꧠTurn to chapter
Sculpting ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Seekers ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Self Will ꧹၇ꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Self-Refraction ꩧဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Sky Mirror ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Skyhurl ꧪဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Skyreaches ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Smooth Land ꧹ဋꧠA rumored location, feared by Florets, in which the Bloom's influence ceases.Turn to chapter
Smoothers ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Soblei CosmographyAn ancient metropolis suspended in the moment of its apocalypse, Soblei contains innumerable apertures to realms across the multiverse. Its hurricane winds and blinding light and darkness render it a wildly inhospitable place to pass through even briefly, precluding its practical use as a multiversal nexus.Turn to chapter
Social Apotheosis ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Spoiled Food ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Spurious Insight ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Staircase, The ꧹ဋဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Stratification ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Subservience to Beauty ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Supplication ꩧဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Swells ꧹ဋꧠTurn to chapter
Symmetry ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Synthesis FacetsSynthesis tends towards practicality, pragmatism, balance, harmony, focus, realism, observation, and syncretism.Turn to chapter
Tableau ꧪ၇ဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Taxonomy, The ꩧ၇ဓ[Unfortunately, for this lamina our only information comes from some hastily jotted notes, which suggest that the Taxonomy concerns itself with the archival and analysis of cardinal objects, a process presided over by inquisitive petitioners known as Skeins.]Turn to chapter
Theorists ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Tillers ꧹၇ဗTurn to chapter
Timekeeping ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Transmutation of the Ill-Favored ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Tremors ꩧ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Truthfulness ꧪဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Tutelary Council ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Undersea Cliffs ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Unfolding, The ꩧ၇ꧠArtists and engineers that have architected all of the most famous constructions in existence, original copies of which fill archipelagos that spread across the Glass Ocean, where the enormous automaton wind shifters interlock and glide across empty waters.Turn to chapter
Universal Story, The ꧪဥꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Unknowing ꧪ၇ဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Unseen Feud, The ꩧ၇ꧠTurn to chapter
Untapped, The ꩧဥဗThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Utility FacetsUtility tends towards rationality, pragmatism, realism, balance, pedantry, judiciousness, perception, and level-headedness.Turn to chapter
Veiled Oases ꩧဋꧠThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Verges CosmographyThe thinning of the Ordial barrier between cardinal and laminal realities such that certain aspects of one may influence, be perceived, or be simultaneously present on the other.Turn to chapter
Wheels & Knives ꧹ဥဓThe referenced text has not yet been translated.Turn to chapter
Wind Shifters ꩧ၇ꧠTowering entities of crystalline rods arranged in complex patterns, wind shifters meander across the Unfolding driven by currents in the wind.Turn to chapter
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