Why do you want to persecute yourself with the question of where all this is coming from and where it is going? Since you know, after all, that you are in the midst of transitions and you wished for nothing so much as to change. If there is anything unhealthy in your reactions, just bear in mind that sickness is the means by which an organism frees itself from what is alien; so one must simply help it to be sick, to have its whole sickness and to break out with it, since that is the way it gets better.
— Rianer Riama Relik
Nothing is lost
Nothing is created
Everything is transformed— Etianon Relovisia
The Apeirons of the Brink hold a vigorous rivalry with the ConcordanceRugged and serene badlands inhabited by the complex, inscrutable Limns, who bring quarreling mortals here in reverie to forge empathy in the light of a natural phenomenon known as the Echo, in which you witness in the actions of others a flash of the entire history of happenstance that leads up to their present.Turn to chapter regarding pursuits of happiness and fulfillment. Where those of the Concordance view suffering as superfluous to this quest, Apeirons relish heights of realization and beauty that they say can only be attained when pain and failure lie on the path, and their case is presented here with terrifying prowess. To genuinely engage with this place—and it is nearly impossible not to, for in the cacophony some notes inevitably strike deep—is to undergo turns of trauma and euphoria that together result in exhilarating regeneration. As a place of constant reinvention transforming the landscape and culture as if by hallucinated natural disasters, the Brink more than any other lamina of EquilibriumEquilibrium tends towards maintenance, harmony, protection, pureness of essence, persistence, stagnation, indifference, serenity, observation, renewal, inertia, and preservation.Turn to chapter is fueled by waves of self-contained creation and destruction rather than a gentle balance of stillness.
Method |
HierarchyHierarchy tends towards order, deference to authority, systematic analysis, honor, conformity, tradition, inflexibility, control, judgment, structure, law, discipline, and stability.Turn to chapter |
SynthesisSynthesis tends towards practicality, pragmatism, balance, harmony, focus, realism, observation, and syncretism.Turn to chapter |
AutonomyAutonomy tends towards freedom, independence, unpredictability, individualism, ad hoc invention, radicalism, dynamism, chaos, and change.Turn to chapter |
Motive |
EmpathyEmpathy tends towards kindness, self-effacement, benevolence, righteousness, judgment, stubbornness, idealism, altruism, universalism, equity, compromise, compassion, and tolerance.Turn to chapter |
UtilityUtility tends towards rationality, pragmatism, realism, balance, pedantry, judiciousness, perception, and level-headedness.Turn to chapter |
PowerPower tends towards ambition, achievement, glory, determination, focus, efficiency, beauty, domination, competition, selfishness, cynicism, security, success, and luxury.Turn to chapter |
Means |
CreationCreation tends towards activity, energy, passion, agitation, change, mutation, excitation, creativity, egoism, instability, uncertainty, and dynamism.Turn to chapter |
EquilibriumEquilibrium tends towards maintenance, harmony, protection, pureness of essence, persistence, stagnation, indifference, serenity, observation, renewal, inertia, and preservation.Turn to chapter |
DissolutionDissolution tends towards finality, rest, release, destruction, nullification, loss, ignorance, waste, death, and certainty.Turn to chapter |
The nine facetsAbstract forces that drive beings and cultures, divided into three spectra: Hierarchy opposite Autonomy, Empathy opposite Power, and Creation opposite Dissipation.Turn to chapter and twenty-seven laminaeAfterworlds that are each aligned with a particular set of facets. The twenty-seven laminae are layered on top of our reality and interact with it in myriad ways.Turn to chapter, arranged in the diagram above, are familiar to all thoughtful beings, though you may not know their names or the extent of their forms. Facets are the philosophical undercurrents that gird our actions, and laminae provide essential conceptual substance to mortal minds, their residents carrying out work that sustains the nature of cardinal worlds. the MaculaThe Macula is a pitch-dark realm where every shred of light and substance has long since been utilized by the alien and fractal Oriels to build curling, spectacular palaces in which they warp their minds and bodies in pursuit of ever more esoteric experiences of beauty.Turn to chapter fuels the imagination of every artist, the InevitabilityAn otherwise-empty wasteland graced by the exuberant and chaotic Procession in which Unravellers joyously manifest the forces of entropy, that universal and implacable slide from order into disorder. Troupes each pursue their own flavors of entropy: rotting food, aging, combustion, romantic miscommunication, broken furniture, political dissolution, and myriad others.Turn to chapter ensures the physical laws of entropy, the AsymmetryAn endless cliff face, with no known ground or top or sides, into which the Grains have quarried for aeons as they craft and sculpt and adjust essential creations for introduction into cardinal worlds.Turn to chapter crafts the intrinsic shape of every physical object—our environments depend on these sources. On each lamina, manifestations of its facets are carried out to their logical extents in marvelous and terrifying ways, and each is a lens through which to understand the strategies that guide and organize existence.
These absolutes can be seen as a structure with which to measure and observe phenomena, but they also scaffold personal and cultural alignments that result in all manner of relative judgments. For instance many of those driven by EmpathyEmpathy tends towards kindness, self-effacement, benevolence, righteousness, judgment, stubbornness, idealism, altruism, universalism, equity, compromise, compassion, and tolerance.Turn to chapter find those loyal to PowerPower tends towards ambition, achievement, glory, determination, focus, efficiency, beauty, domination, competition, selfishness, cynicism, security, success, and luxury.Turn to chapter as being something akin to evil, while the latter will disdain the former as weak and ineffective. Differences of facet between individuals or cultures can be extremely hard to bridge, for everyone judges others by internal compasses which have been calibrated to these facets in such a way as to make it impossible to imagine a different state of nature.
This is an untranslated referenceThe referenced text has not yet been translated. but soon there won’t be any of these outside of the Index.
This tooltip for MotiveThe facets of Empathy ဥ, Utility ၇, and Power ဋ concern the methods by which we determine whether a goal is worthy, and what drives us towards those goals.Turn to chapter has glyphs in it.
Like the peak of a seamount which occasionally pierces the ocean’s surface due to particular configurations of tides and wind and waves, aspects of the laminae may be glimpsed from cardinal worlds at the whim of factors unique to each subject and varying over brief or vast timespans. This may take an immaterial form, such as a sudden insight, a state of mind, a vague sense in the air, or even widespread [untranslatable, unknown glyph]. It may also take a material form, such as an individual or object being visible in multiple realms at once, weather patterns passing from one to another, or the appearance or disappearance of an out-of-place or lost item.
[The next paragraph is too thoroughly smudged with soot to be legible. It appears to describe a thing at the center of the labyrinth, with several usages of a word meaning “pilgrimage” or “sacrifice”.]
No other lamina channels the gales of CreationCreation tends towards activity, energy, passion, agitation, change, mutation, excitation, creativity, egoism, instability, uncertainty, and dynamism.Turn to chapter to greater effect,1 wielding them as hammers on the blasted anvils of the Macula and their own bodies. Narcissism runs thick and is equally well harnessed—and warranted: Oriels are unforgiving with their judgments, and so all know their standing. They are often cruel, but not for the sake of cruelty, only sparing no patience before their callings. For those petitionersSouls of the dead that have re-manifested on the most well-suited lamina, where they perfect and reshape themselves while carrying out pursuits in accordance with that lamina's principles.Turn to chapter that arrive not blessed with beauty, they may shape themselves accordingly or, along complex stratifications of Oriel society, find their place serving others or bearing the honor of being transmuted into materials for those more worthy of their substance.
Each of the twenty-seven laminae is shaped by its location at the intersection of three axes that form the nine facets. These are described in detail in the following chapter, but in brief they are:2
Little was found on the unharmed body of this visitor (as she refers to herself in her notes) apart from copious journals and the provisions of a simple traveller. She carried two items of note · a pendant with a gilded motif of an eclipsed star, and a slender disk the size of an outstretched hand, made of an as-yet-unidentified jet black material. While the pendant appears unmagical, the disk is extraordinarily charged. We have archived it in the library vault for safekeeping.
The only figures that regularly stray from the Procession—never far—are the Tillers. These solitary custodians roam the Procession’s periphery, gathering insufficiently obliterated detritus for further processing, each in the own manner. One appeared to be simply chewing up pieces and spitting them out, and another was followed by a hovering, void-black sphere into which tossed objects vanished. Many Tillers carry little carts behind them · an anvil on which fragments are assembled into meager sculptures and them smashed, a pile of embers on which flammables are ignited, a large sort of mortar and pestle. Other Unravellers perceive the Tillers as something like pets.
Romantic Unravellers insist that relationships are not tampered without cause; then again a cause can nearly always be found. Beholding the wanton crowd, however, this visitor searched and found no malice. In fact, she joined the revelry for a time, finding resonance in the finitude of attachment, even stepping outside herself to share in the call-and-response. This community is joined together by sweat and joy and celebration of dissolution given gravitas by the gravitas of the thing being dissolved. To revel in the sunk cost · all of that effort for nothing—exactly! One mortal found here was so wooed in the course of an unravelling that he had abandoned his life to join the parade. He is likely not the only one to have done so.
Weather patterns · Guiding everything from hurricanes to dust storms to earthquakes, these powerful, atavistic Unravellers communicate only through dance and mime.
Aging · Giddy cherubs flitting unseen around mortal lives’ most trying times.
Rust · Trollish Unravellers heap metal objects onto huge vessels sloshing wet brown rust over their sides and onto the ground.
Melting ice and boiling water · As raw as weather or fire Unravellers, but more slippery.
Heat Transfer · Apparently one of the more fundamental undertakings here, these silent Unravellers resemble phantoms and their troupes are sculptural geometric tangles of metal and bone and stone.
Broken furniture · Absolute mayhem, as one might expect.
Certain individuals are so distinctive, venerable, and skilled as to be treated by locals and visitors alike as demigods of their domains. These Unravellers possess to an alarmingly magnified degree the same entropic aura which in their brethren only delicately guides nature along its course. Around these powers minor calamities unfold as appropriate to each one’s influence: clothing tears, food turns sour, thoughts derail.
Jindl, of broken chairs, a ludicrous gangly figure constantly humming to himself, around whom the ground is the only reliable seating surface.
Goramor, of malfunctioning mechanical weapons, an unimaginably ancient gnome with intuitive comprehension of the most alien of devices.
Ahamara, of cooked eggs, an enormous and blind matronly woman, said to hold simultaneously in her awareness each egg being cooked in that instant across the entire multiverse.
Tist, of benevolent surprises gone awry, an attentive, placid feline in front of whom this visitor immediately made a fool of herself.
Blidibil, of mixed paint, who claims total colorblindness and additionally has an unusual effect on the digestion of nearby mortals.
The result is overwhelming, and every turn will strike travellers with sights never seen or thought of before. There is no attempt to calculate the optimal circumstances for individuals; instead, manifold serendipity multiplies the chances that Apeirons and visitors will fall into felicities precisely shaped to them, while inevitably multiplying the chances of the opposite—the perfect happenstance to crack them open. But Apeirons are hardy, and learn from such experiences, and some seek out tribulation as much as they do joy.
Anyone in the multiverse is welcome to join this society, and as a result the Brink holds more mortal residents than perhaps any other lamina except the ConcordanceThe Concordance most closely resembles mortal hopes for an afterworld: a vast network of metropolises and landscapes in which mortals and petitioners alike seek to prove that suffering is not needed to give context to joy.Turn to chapter. It is however urgently recommended that you find a guide and mentor—assistance that nearly any Apeiron, who are universally kind and attentive despite their decadence, would be overjoyed to provide to a like-minded outsider—to avoid being overwhelmed and burnt out by the miracles and burdens of this place in which those who embarrass themselves or fail to find their way are seen as being entirely responsible for their fates.
Far beyond the ornate clusters of Oriel abodes laminalLaminals are beings that natively reside on the laminae but which are not manifestations of mortal souls. 'Laminal' can also be used to indicate anything relating to, stemming from, or residing on the laminae.Turn to chapter titans are occasionally found wandering slowly in the blackness. Oriels avoid them and could report little to this visitor except to note a distant feature known as the Cleave:
Collected here are the collated and lightly edited manuscript notes recovered from the body of an elderly woman who was found deceased in the chamber of the OrderCircle’s astral replacement device once it had been completed and was activated for the first time. No other incidents have occured with the ingenious device in the months since it has been operating, so we have no precedent or explanation for this event. Regardless, her arrival has provided the OrderCircle with a trove of lore and many unanswered questions.
— Rianer Riama Relik
— Rianer Riama Relik
The dazzling, hideous garden that is the Bloom shelters and nurtures its children, the Florets, who frolic perpetually in the forgiving, absent embrace of their Mother. Everything here blossoms and transforms and regenerates unpredictably—yet harmlessly, at least in the eyes of Florets—in a jungle choked with the pheromones of chimerical vegetation and cancerous megaflora. The Floret’s childhood games resemble play, but the Bloom’s unpredictability precludes learning, and ceaseless regrowth shields Florets from any consequences, and so all the creativity, innocence, bravado, earnestness, excess, and cruelty of youth run unhampered and deformed by the ever-increasing stakes of a painless playground.
Heading 1 is at the top of the page.
All living things deform here eventually, but growth is the driver. The children themselves grow, of course, and in the process sprout talons and chitinous ridges and extra limbs, gnarl with bark and thorns, and grow to freakish sizes small or large from which they droop and blotch with cysts and buds and teratomas. Vegetation flourishes incomprehensibly, discordant with features of plants and animals and inanimate objects, melding into impassable tangles of fragrant silvery stinging tendrils, rivulets of flame, globs of translucent sap, wet rot squirming wings and maws and drum-beat membranes.
The laboratory is dedicated primarily to the breeding of crops for sustenance and the testing of their safety—tasks that requires constant attendance as existing crops slowly mutate or suddenly die out. No small effort is also dedicated to the recreational study and crossbreeding of the ornamental flora which spectacularly adorn the settlement. Due to the history of the place, the caretakers here are reluctant to engage in medicinal research, but their expertise is well suited to such efforts, and intellectual interchange occurs with trusted colleagues who visit to use the Islet’s facilities and knowledge.
Mother’s relationship with mortals is even less clear. “Have you met Mother?” the Florets will ask. “She wants you to play with us.” One of the IsletThe referenced text has not yet been translated.’s residents, the recipient of a particularly unfortunate Bloom scar, shared with this visitor that she had in fact met their Mother, but would not speak more of it.
Mother’s relationship with mortals is even less clear. “Have you met Mother?” the Florets will ask. “She wants you to play with us.” One of the IsletThe referenced text has not yet been translated.’s residents, the recipient of a particularly unfortunate Bloom scar, shared with this visitor that she had in fact met their Mother, but would not speak more of it.
Aorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Borem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Corem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Dorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Eorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Forem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Horem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Iorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Jorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Korem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Morem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Oorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Porem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Qorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Rorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Sorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Uorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Vorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Worem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Xorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Yorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Zorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue lorem quis dapibus posuere. Proin placerat diam urna, sed vestibulum nisi porttitor quis. Nulla mi tortor, molestie nec fermentum nec, rhoncus tincidunt eros. Integer quis leo nulla. Suspendisse sagittis lacus dui, non dignissim eros gravida nec. Ut ultrices congue enim semper euismod. Vestibulum vel tincidunt nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris sodales facilisis ex, ut suscipit sem rhoncus vitae. Praesent a orci non nibh interdum vestibulum at eu arcu. Curabitur tempor magna eget justo blandit, tristique pulvinar est auctor. Curabitur tempus molestie fermentum.
Perhaps one could make an argument that, in it’s own much smaller and focused way, the Bloom’s Islet ConservatoryTurn to chapter could contend for this superlative.↩︎
Translator’s Note: Each of these “facets”, like many Karedian words, is represented by a single glyph, and the Order has no record of these nine glyphs in any of our dictionaries or extant Karedian texts. I have done my best to choose a single translated word which approximates each glyph’s range of nuances as revealed in this work, but I will leave the original glyphs present as a reminder of the multi-layered concepts behind each. I have likewise, as in the original text, suffixed each lamina’s name with the glyphs that denote its three facets.↩︎